Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Shutter Speed/Motion Reflection

I realized that alot of my pictures I took focus on sports. I went to places that I thought would involve activity, including Lucas Oil Stadium, my neighborhood ect. I set up my scene by double checking and making sure there wasn't any distractions in the scene before I took my pictures. I incorporated rules of composition by using rule of thirds and get close. I also used color and use of backgrounds. I chose the Colt's football players as my subject because I thought it was fun and unique. I incorporated my voice by getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things. This assignment helped me view my world differently by really being able to see up close using my camera and how so much different it is from my eyesight since I'm blind as a bat! I definitely excelled in getting clear pictures, but it was a struggle to take pictures with blurry backgrounds especially since I'm not used to looking at pictures with blurry backgrounds! If anything, I would have more subjects for each of my folders.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

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