Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Depth of Field

I took pictures of nature and some things I treasure including my guitar (below), a golf course and a lacrosse field. I went to these places around my neighborhood and Noblesville and Carmel because that's where mostly raw things are and they are great subjects to take pictures of. I set up my scene for the picture below by laying it down on the grass in my yard and started snapping away.

With my use of close up, I was able to make emphasis in my pictures and was able to see some of the texture of my objects like the strings on my guitar. I incorporated lots of color as well.

As my subject matter, I used my guitar. I incorporated my voice as a musician and my love for music for this picture. It helped me view nature as a whole differently; nature is a beautiful and doesnt get enough credit as many teenagers are on their electronics instead of looking at the world around them.

My strengths were taking the landscapes just because they were easier to focus with a camera. My weakness might have been taking close ups because most of them were blurry at first. Something I would've changed about this assignment would be having alot more patience with taking a close up picture.


  1. Very good guitar shot. The closeness makes it abstract is a nice way. I recall a news clip of John Mellencamp with his old guitar. Much of the finish was gone where he'd rubbed it off over the years. If your guitar was much older, such a feature would give the shot a much different appearance of "humanity" because it would have shown the years of use

  2. Gotta love guitars. I have several myself. I think the bits of corrosion on the strings and the wood revealing itself through the black stain of the fretboard make for a bit of mystery. While the extreme close up is nice, I'd like to see a bit more of this area of the guitar, since it reveals so much more of the guitar's history and it's relationship to those that have played it. I like the image.
